Friday, July 19, 2013

Fantasy Baseball Update

Way back in January (I think), I suggested starting up a Fantasy Baseball League made up entirely of bloggers, with blasters as prizes. A twelve team league was ambitious, but we ended up with 10, mostly bloggers, a co-worker and my older son.

For the most part, we have some pretty dedicated players and it shows in the standings. As it should be, the more active players have risen to the top. I thought I had mentioned declaring a mid-season winner to help keep everyone motivated but I may have been thinking of rewarding the end of season best record. It looks to be a two-horse race between Tom of Waiting 'Til Next Year and Roy of plain gray swatch. Tom has the slight lead but he's playing me this week with just a two-game lead over Roy. We'll see how that ends up...

As I mentioned, I am behind again in my trades because of a found bag of packages. But I will try to find something good for the mid-season winner too.

By the time this posts, A&G should be out and when I return, will pick up a blaster to finish out the prize pool. Good luck the rest of the way!

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